What should I include in my Posts?

Your blog posts should include helpful, useful, tips or tricks on your product(s).  Every post, whether on social media or your website should always include a way for customers to contact you about the product(s) as wells links to the product(s) and page(s) on your website.  Include the qualified keywords to your H1, H2, and H3 tags.  A back link would be the same such post(s) on the social media that best fits your business.  Build back links to all your inner pages, not just your homepage. You should create back link campaigns to all your pages and articles on social media sites.

Search engines include blog posts and individual pages in their rankings. Pages must have qualified back links and authority. Write blog posts (400 + words) and add images and videos (are king).   Create a video of each post along with a written post, then you can create a you tube channel just for your products.

Olivier Websites-R-Us is always trying to find ways to save our clients, friends and their families money with the right online solutions. Contact us at olivier@https://websitehelphouston.com

What should I include in my Posts?

Social Media Help

th-27Social media is an art and it takes valuable time from what you really need or want to do. Let Olivier WebSites-R-Us.biz be your Social Media Administrators. Affordable, reliable Social Media Services available for businesses who may need Social Media Marketing help from an experience, professional company. Affordable social media administration pricing for daily or weekly postings.

Contact Olivier WebSites-R-Us will manage your social media postings. Call 832-472-2546. We’d love to talk to you!

Social Media Help

Google is constantly changing algorithm

google-doodleGoogle makes frequent changes to the algorithim that will effect the way your website is ranked within Google’s own ranking system. One of the changes is participating in social media which includes utilizing at least one on a regular basis with website blogging, Google+, Facebook, Linked In and Twitter, Pinterest, The Knot or You Tube. To create a business or fan page, for any of these social media accounts, you must have a personal page for at least two of the social media accounts listed. By creating these personal pages yourself, will ensure you are always the owner of all social media pages created, no matter who you choose as your social media administrator.  Olivier WebSites-R-Us.biz provides helpful information for search engine management on our Facebook page.  Like our page and receive great tips and tricks to increase the hits on your website or social media pages.

Google is constantly changing algorithm

#Hashtag – What is this and How to Use It.

th-107Hashtags turn topics and phrases into clickable links in your posts on your personal Timeline or Page. This helps people find posts about topics they’re interested in. To make a hashtag, write # (the number sign) along with a topic or phrase and add it to your post. For example:

          I just saw the cutest puppy! #


When you click a hashtag, you’ll see a feed of posts that include that hashtag. You may also see some related hashtags at the top of the page.

Please keep in mind:

  • A hashtag must be written as a single word, without any spaces
  • You can include numbers in a hashtag, but punctuation and special characters (like $ and %) won’t work
  • You can search for a hashtag using the search bar at the top of any page
  • You’ll only see posts that were shared with you
#Hashtag – What is this and How to Use It.

Strategic Social Media Marketing

Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are among the top social networking sites for strategic social media marketing. Each one has its own set of strengths that will help you gain the attention of potential prospects and customers. Our web designs integrates all three, giving you the chance to increase content visibility in the one(s) that work most effectively for your business.

Strategic Social Media Marketing
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